6 tips to help stay active while on holiday

Holidays are almost an essential part of our busy modern lifestyle. Being active whilst away can be a great to take in the sights, explore areas you otherwise wouldn’t and dare I say, relax!

1. Run

Running you can do just about anywhere. Not only will you stay active, it is actually a great way to see the sights. You don’t need to pack much extra either. Do your research first though- Google local running routes and try to book your accommodation near a good running track.

2. Get a hotel with a gym or pool

If running is not your thing, go for a hotel with a gym and/or a pool. This way you can keep your normal program going (somewhat) and also get a bit of variety from working out in a different place to what you’re used to.

3. Pack some bands in your suitcase

Bands are the ultimate travel workout tool. They’re light, don’t take up much space and you can do pretty much every resistance exercise with them. They are also a good alternative to gym-based exercise, as hotels with gym tend to be a bit more expensive, or some can charge you extra for using them.


6 tips to help stay active while on holiday

4. Walk or Ride

Ditch the site-seeing bus and walk or ride when you are exploring and city or town. Not only will you get a heap of exercise in, but it also allows you to take in the sites far better and be able to stop wherever and whenever you want

5. Schedule your trip around an event

If you are a keen sports person why not plan your trip around some sort of event. There are literally hundreds of these ‘destination events’ you can do; such as the Hawaii Ironman, New York Marathon or Leadville 100 just to name a few. If you are using these events as a goal race, make sure you get to your destination 1-2 weeks before the event to adjust to the conditions and recover from the flight. This can be an enjoyable way to travel as you can use the post-event time for some much needed rest and recovery!

6. Make sure you actually take a break!

Having said all this, make sure you actually take a break from your normal routine- that’s what travel is for after all! If you don’t train the whole time you’re away, that’s completely fine. You will come back feeling refreshed and ready to go.


About the Author:

Dr. Nicholas Tripodi is a Co-director and Osteopath at the Competitive Sports Clinic located in the Essendon District. Nicholas has particular interests in sports injuries, exercise rehabilitation and running and cycling analysis.