Melbourne Osteopathy Sports Injury Centre director, Dr Shane Buntman is presenting again this year at the Small Business Festival.
Although completely different in intent, there are many cross-overs and benefits between Pilates and Yoga. Each lifestyle (or method) has proponents eager to tell you why their method is better than the other.
Melbourne Osteopathy Sports Injury Centre director, Dr Shane Buntman is presenting again this year at the Small Business Festival.
Many blogs (including our own) suggest that Pilates is good for this and good for that and good for pretty much everything.
We all live inside a different body. No two are exactly the same. Some are tall. Some short. They can be big- or small-boned.
Have you ever joined a yoga class and wondered why you seem to be struggling more than the yogi next to you?
Having taught and practiced Pilates for around 8 years now, my body has always been rather consistent. Even when there’s a bit of tightness in my shoulders and neck or a slight twinge in my knee, my body has always felt reliable.