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Get Up Out Of Your Chair!

Get Up Out Of Your Chair!

Research shows that the detrimental health effects of sitting are taking years off the life of the average office worker. It sounds incredible, but sitting for more than 3-hours per day can shorten your life expectancy by 2-years, and it is likely that you don’t even get a say in it. More importantly though, it’s the general health and quality of life which may…

How To Make The Most Of Your Foam Roller

How To Make The Most Of Your Foam Roller

HOW DO FOAM ROLLERS WORK? Foam rollers work on the myo-fascial* system to reduce muscle tension, improve blood flow, increase body awareness and aid in injury prevention and rehabilitation. Foam rollers are ideal for self-massage, stretching and rehabilitation exercises. *The myo-fascial system refers to the muscle itself and its fascia – a thin sheath that wraps around and connects the…
Work Place Sitting Versus Standing

Work Place Sitting Versus Standing

Most people are probably now familiar with the standing desk craze that has taken off in many office buildings over the last few years. But is this the answer to the issues that our modern day sedentary lifestyle has caused? And will a standing desk help to improve our posture? The biggest concern isn’t actually so much to do with sitting for 8-10 hours…
Pregnancy: A Window of Opportunity for Musculoskeletal Repair

Pregnancy: A Window of Opportunity for Musculoskeletal Repair

With pregnancy come significant changes to a woman’s physiology and biomechanics that can pose a challenge for soon-to-be mums. There is often a focus on the potentially injurious outcomes of pregnancy, however the same hormonal changes that are responsible for back and pelvic pain also provide a unique potential for healing longstanding or chronic musculoskeletal injuries. PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES IN PREGNANCY The…

Desk Related Injuries

Desk Related Injuries

Sitting at a desk and operating a computer may seem like a harmless activity. However because the human body was designed for movement, it does not tolerate this immobility and repetitive action for long periods. The most common musculo-skeletal injuries caused by computer/desk work are: Back, neck and shoulder problems Repetitive strain (tendon) Disorders e.g. tennis elbow, de Quervains Tenosinovitis…

Bike Fitting Interview With Simon Coffin

The sun is shining, the magpies are swooping and the blossoms are blooming – this can only mean one thing: spring is in the air and it’s time to dust off the bike and get out for some well needed fresh air! For many of us, winter sees the road bike being packed away in a corner or perhaps locked into a wind trainer.…

The Secret to Getting Good Sleep Every Night

The Secret to Getting Good Sleep Every Night

This week we are pleased to present some very informative tips on how to get the most from your sleep. These tips come to us from Regal Sleep Solutions, a local manufacturer of high-quality custom designed mattresses. REGULATE YOUR SLEEPING PATTERNS Set a regular bedtime: Go to bed at the same time every night. Choose a time when you normally feel tired, so that…