I am writing to you because my wife interrogated me last night about why I’m in a much better mood than I have been for some time.
What are spiky balls? Simply put, the spiky ball is a life changer. They are our number one rehabilitation aid, and you’ll find a basket of them at our reception desk. Whilst prickly and firm on the outside, these tough little nuggets will quickly become your favourite sidekick once you’ve got some simple techniques under your belt. Spiky balls…
Following on from last week’s post featuring the channel 9 news report on ‘text neck’ featuring our centre’s own director Shane Buntman, this week we look another issue where mobile device use is adversely changing our movement and posture. And this problem extends beyond the neck. There are some rather obvious safety issues with mobile phone use when driving and cycling. Now this list has expanded…
Doctors are seeing a rise in ‘text neck’, or spinal problems linked to extended periods spent leaning into the small screened devices. Dr Shane Buntman discusses this problem on Channel 9 news. If you would like to speak to one of our practitioners about ‘text neck’ or other ergonomics issues, please feel free to ask a question, contact us or email us at: info@melbourneosteopathycentre.com.au