What You Can Expect From Us

What You Can Expect From Us

We’re proud to achieve outstanding outcomes for our communities, Melbourne CBD, and greater Melbourne. Our experienced practitioners work to identify the root cause of your injuries and understand your Pillars of health to develop a plan tailored to you.

    Listening to you

Detailed History Taking of Presenting Complaint

We believe our patients’ recovery starts with detailed knowledge. We focus on this right from the initial consultations. This helps us develop a working diagnosis. In the initial appointment, we identify when, how, and why the problem started.

Detailed History of Pillars of Health

Your health and medical history help us understand you as an individual. We can then identify and rule out medical red flags needing referral to another health professional.

Finding Your Goals and Drivers

Understanding your goals from your time with MOSIC allows us to create a tailored-made treatment plan.

We Understand You

Movement Assessments and Medical Screens

Seeing your movement helps us examine your musculoskeletal system and identify root causes to effectively develop the best treatment, long-term. This ensures we can identify the tissue(s) causing pain and their current condition. Moreover, we examine your bodily systems (i.e., neurological, blood pressure, abdominal areas, etc.) to detect issues requiring further medical attention. 

We Help You

Personalised Treatments

Our caring and compassionate team of practitioners including our osteopaths provides safe, effective, and personalised treatments for your symptoms, ensuring your comfort throughout.

Personalised Management Plans

Through our understanding of who you are, our practitioners including our osteopaths tailors a personalised management plan to achieve your goals. This helps you work towards long-term Sustained Health.

We are Always There

Ongoing Care and Communication

Our philosophy to Osteopathy and health care isn’t a one-time solution. We work with you for as long as it takes to achieve a happier, healthier life. We monitor your recovery even when you’re not attending an osteopathic and other modalities consultation for Sustained Health, and we work closely with your medical professionals. 

Leading With Care

You’re a person, not a condition. We give you the utmost care and involve you in the process. Our osteopaths and other practitioners aim to help everyone who comes through our door without compromise. Our authenticity and desire to nurture and build on your strengths define us.


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Our focus is ‘Sustained Health’ and pain relief. We look after YOU – the whole person, not just your injury. We identify root causes of problems by focusing on your Pillars of Health (movement, nutrition, sleep, ergonomics, stress, medical history, etc.) for broader, effective services.

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We’re all unique and follow different lifestyles. Thus, everyone who comes to our Melbourne Osteopathy Sports Injury Centre is treated with individual approaches.

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Osteopathy takes a team-based, holistic approach to health. Our compassion for patients ranks us among the best experienced osteopaths locally; CARE is at the heart of all decisions. Genuine, authentic relationships help us achieve pain relief and Sustained Health for you. 

Our Promise and Commitment is to:
  • Always treat you with respect.
  • Provide you with the highest possible level of care.
  • Guide and support you in achieving your healthcare goals.
  • Listen to your healthcare needs and do our best to meet them.